Master Your Life

Unlock your true potential at Master Your Life!

Feel the energy, experience emotional breakthroughs, walk away with life changing tools and take your next big leap.

 Master Your Life

Unlock your true potential at Master Your Life!

Feel the energy, experience emotional breakthroughs, walk away with life changing tools and take your next big leap.

One event to create your major breakthrough

Master Your Life isn’t just an event, it’s the spark that ignites deep, lasting transformation.

When you attend you will:

  • Get clear on what you truly want If you've ever felt unsure or confused about your goals, this is where you'll gain clarity 
  • Discover what's been holding you back and where it all came from Take a trip down memory lane as you uncover your personal blockers
  • Leave with a step by step plan to accomplish the unimaginable You'll walk away with a personalized strategy designed to help you achieve success like the top 0.1%.

DON'T SETTLE for more of the same

Whatever it is that you want, make today the day that you...

Ignite MASSIVE New Changes In Your Life And Make Them Stick

Mindset ​Breakthrough ​​

 ​​Your Next Level

1. Wealth

2. Health

3.Relationships ​

4. Business

5. Leadership

6. Happiness

1. Wealth

2. Health

3.Relationships ​

4. Business

5. Leadership

6. Happiness

What People say about us

how Master Your Life changed everything For their clients

Do you have a desire for a better quality of life?​

It's time to break through
​​because your next level is calling

You need 2 things to ignite miraculous new changes in your life. First, is the desire for more.

Since you’re on this page, I suspect you have this burning desire.

Your second essential requirement is the knowledge and systems that every successful person on the planet relies on, whether they realise it or not.

And that’s something you’re given at the Master Your Life events.

Learn how to model the most successful people on the planet. You'll discover the exact tactics and strategies that the world's top performers use to breakthrough to their next level so that you can do the same thing, at will!

It's time to forget about all your past frustrations and failures.

Because in ONE captivating event, you'll discover everything needed to feel like you can do ANYTHING!

Secure your place now - while there's time

Get your tickets to secure a HUGE saving now

Here's what you'll get when you come along...

What's Getting In Your Way​​​

Look back to discover what's been getting in your way as we take you through the proven process to uncover your mental roadblocks and obliterate them on sight. It feels like a rucksack of bricks are pulled off your shoulders. Now watch how fast you move ahead.

Master The 3 Key Areas Of Your Life

Look back to discover what's been getting in your way as we take you through the proven process to uncover your mental roadblocks and obliterate them on sight. It feels like a rucksack of bricks are pulled off your shoulders. Now watch how fast you move ahead.

Proven, Repeatable Frameworks For Your Goal

​These frameworks alone are worth many times the cost of admission. In a split-moment of immense clarity, you see exactly what you need to do to achieve your biggest goals and dreams. You'll walk away with a simple and easy to use personalised plan. Use the insights to take your life beyond the extraordinary.

Hear From Our Incredible Speakers..

James       Burke

James Burke has an incredible journey of transformation, rising from homelessness, depression, and obesity to being recognized five times as one of the top coaches globally.

With his no-excuses attitude and deep understanding of personal growth, James will guide you through the mindset shifts and strategies that helped him turn his life around.

Prepare to be inspired and empowered to take charge of your business and personal life with the insights of a coach who’s truly lived the journey.

Tom       Blackledge

Tom Blackledge, former UFC fighter and star of "The A Team," is a powerhouse in personal development. As a coach to Quinton Rampage Jackson, Tom Hardy, and the current Light Heavyweight Champion of the World, Tom knows what it takes to conquer fear and achieve greatness.

Author of "Fearless by Design," he's here to share his strategies for building resilience and unstoppable confidence.

The SECRET to Global Transformation

Each speaker has first-hand experience of putting these methods to work.

It all unfolds before your eyes like a theatre show – immersed with music, experiences and visualization – for an incredible day of powerful new insights.

By the end, you’ll see everything in an exciting new perspective.

​I’m certain you’ll find it’s the most extraordinary moment of your year.

The moment you feel a dramatic change in the very core of your being.

You launch into a new life with a bang.

​And there’s still more…


Book Now to also secure your

‘Circle of Influence’ WhatsApp group access

You’ve heard the saying, “You’re the average of the people you spend time with.” So make sure you’re spending time with more likeminded people. Those with the same drive and commitment as you. After all, proximity is power!​

Just imagine where you could be 12 months from now.

What if just one of these insights led you to more money?

​More time with your family?

​A better relationship?

​Feeling healthy, energetic and vibrant? More enjoyment and less stress, doing the things you love?

All of this is possible. However… If you do nothing different, I guarantee nothing new will happen.

That’s why you must grab this opportunity with both hands.

Join the 1000's of attendees ready to do something radically different from today.

Since you’ve read this far, I know you belong amongst them.

Here’s everything  

 that’s included if you get your ticket TODAY…

The Discovery Framework​

Worth £399

We'll spend the first few hours of the day lifting up the hood of the car and finding out what's been holding you back. Most people go through life trying to accelerate as fast as they can in a desperate attempt to get ahead.

Little did they know, if you just take the handbrake off, you'll go much further, faster and you'll do it with less effort. In the discovery framework you'll complete a 'self audit'.

By the time you've finished you'll have complete clarity on what's been holding you back personally. Then, and only then can we move on and start living the life you deserve. When James Burke, the founder and creator of Master Your Life first discovered this process, he paid a whopping £399 just to go along to the workshop.

That doesn't included the hundreds of hours he's spent perfecting it since.

The Defining Moment Creator

Worth £299

Once you're clear on what's been holding you back you'll be put into an electric environment so that you can have your very own defining moment.

At Master Your Life, we guarantee that you'll have a moment so profound and enlightening that it alters the course of your whole life in the most positive way possible. It won't be a small nudge, you'll have a massively profound experience and once you've had it... life will never be the same again.

You'll finish the defining moment knowing exactly what you want and have the confidence and belief that you can get it.

The Transformation Framework

Worth £499

The third and final part of your day will be the part that you really remember. Now that you know what's been holding you back and you know what you really want, it's time to make it happen.

In the transformation framework you'll get the exact tools, techniques and strategies that YOU need to achieve your own personal goals. You'll know what the first steps are that you need to take and you'll have a plan that you can use consistently until you achieve your goals, no matter what it is that you want.

This part of the day is the part that will really help you get ahead. 99.9% of the people on the planet don't know about or use the techniques you're about to learn. And those that do, are the top 0.1% of earners on the planet.

The Healing Framework

Worth £299

You can say goodbye to all of the suffering and pain that you’ve felt in the past. Discover what self-acceptance feels like. And feel less judgment.

You’ll feel lighter and stronger with the healing framework.

​And able to finally embrace who you really are.

Access To The ‘Life Junkies’ Community Via WhatsApp

Worth £250

Build meaningful relationships with people that you love to be around.

You'll join our community of fellow ‘life junkies’ and add a new dimension to your social life. What could be better than surrounding yourself with other personal development enthusiasts?

After all, proximity is power.

Self Mastery

Worth £299

Improve your self both physically and mentally so that you feel vibrant and energetic. You’re not tired because of your age, weight or job.

It’s because you’ve not been taught the principles of ‘Self Mastery’.

Learn how to easily create new habits and develop a lifestyle that's enjoyable AND good for you.

Elite Guest Speakers

Worth £299

We want you to learn from the best of the best. So we’re bringing you guest speakers that are all at the top of their game.

Learn how to become more disciplined, focused, and consistent whilst getting rid of any procrastination that might have hindered you in the past.

No-Risk Guarantee


We guarantee that you'll get value for the money you've paid for your ticket.

And that the time you invest will be worth it.

We guarantee that the tools you learn will work.

And that you won't be singled out or made to feel embarrassed.

So to make sure that you don’t have to worry about making the wrong decision...

At the end of the day, if you’ve not enjoyed it, just inform one of our coaches and we’ll give you a full refund. All you have to do is ask and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked, just talk to one of our coaches on the day.

​I remember booking my first personal development event and I was torn.

Was I willing to give up a full day for an event?

Luckily, I checked myself...

What I was really asking was;

Am I willing to go to an event that's going to be great fun, help me live a life on my terms and give me a future that I deserve?

The answer was overwhelming....


I'm so glad I did. Because that event changed my life.

I guarantee that Master Your Life will do the same for you.

And that summarizes what's included when you purchase a ticket for Master Your Life.

Overall that brings you to a...

Total value of: £2144

And I’m sure you would pay £2144
if it would guarantee:

You made millions and increased your personal wealth

That you heal and fall back in love with yourself

Felt healthy, vibrant and energetic

Your career or business exploded

And it enabled you to find peace

But here's the GREAT news...

If you purchase your tickets today you won’t pay £3144.

Click below to see how much you can get your tickets for now...

For a limited time only

Get your tickets to secure your HUGE saving now

Or read on to discover why Master Your Life is unlike anything you've experienced before...

An Honest Review

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